Environmental Sciences, asked by hashmiaadil2006, 2 months ago

3)Describe the life cycle of birds.​


Answered by DigantJain


Bird Life Cycle Stages1.

Stage 1 - The EggAll birds start their lives inside an egg; for the most part, which is a white, yellow, hard-shell covering the outside of the developing bird's undeveloped embryo. The number of eggs laid and the size of eggs differ starting with one species then onto the next. A few birds lay one egg while different birds lay more than one egg. A bird called Gray Partridge is known to lay around 20 eggs. The eggs are brooded by one of the parent birds, for the incipient embryo to form into a chick. A hard and bony structure frames on the baby bird's beak, which is known as the egg tooth. So as to hatch, the baby bird utilizes the egg tooth to break the eggshell.

 2. Stage 2 - The HatchingAfter the bird has come out of the egg, the newly hatched bird is known as a hatchling. A hatchling is covered in the soft features and can't fly in this stage. Because of its vulnerable nature, a hatchling becomes prey to numerous huge predators. They need extraordinary parental management to grow and develop in this stage. At the point when a hatchling is developing and taken care of by its parents inside the nest, it is called to be nestling. 

3. Stage 3 - The NestlingIn this stage, the bird attempts to fly and shows certain flight qualities. At the point when a nestling builds up its flight capacities and is set up to take its first flight, the bird is known as a fledgeling. 

4. Stage 4 – The FledgelingA fledgeling has completely developed plumes and solid muscle wings. Despite the fact that they have every one of these highlights, fledgelings are still under the consideration of their folks at some point. In this stage, the bird flies out of the nest yet not at significant distances. The timespan of this stage in birds changes starting with one stage then onto the next. 

5. Stage 5 - The JuvenileJuvenile birds leave the nest and are free to fly. In this stage, the juvenile bird experiences its first plumage and looks more like an adult bird. A plumage is the layer of quills that covers the exoskeleton of a bird. The juvenile birds are unequipped for reproducing in this stage. The plumage in this stage is soft and gets supplanted after periods of shedding. 

6. Stage 6 – The Sub AdultIn this stage, the young birds are yet not completely grown as they don't have adult plumage. In this stage, the young birds are not explicitly mature too. Again this changes, depending upon the sort of species of birds. Some bird species explicitly mature in this stage, while some don't.

 7. Stage 7 – The AdultThe adult bird has conclusive plumage and is explicitly mature. In this stage, the bird can mate and perform rearing.


hope it helps

Answered by samriddhipal5

Hatchling (usually 0-3 days old). It hasn’t yet opened its eyes, and may have wisps of down on its body. It’s not ready to leave the nest.

Nestling (usually 3-13 days old). Its eyes are open, and its wing feathers may look like tubes because they’ve yet to break through their protective sheaths. It’s also not ready to leave the nest.

Fledgling (13-14 days old or older). This bird is fully feathered. Its wings and tail may be short, and it may not be a great flyer, but it can walk, hop, or flutter. It has left the nest, though its parents may be nearby, taking good care of it.

hope it helps

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