3. Discuss the majoritarianism policy adopted by Sri Lanka in 1956.
The following are the majoritarian measures adopted by the Sri Lankan
government to establish Sinhala supremacy.
• In the year 1956, an act was passed, which established Sinhala as the official language to
be used in Sri Lanka disregarding the minority group of Tamils. The passing of this act
created a feeling of alienation among the minority group, i.e. Sri Lankan Tamils and they
started to feel left-out from the society.
• The government then started adopting and formulating government policies that favoured
the Sinhala people in government jobs and for university positions, which made the Sri
Lankan Tamils feel ousted.
• The Sri Lankan Government further proclaimed that they shall foster and protect only
Buddhism as their Sate religion and refused to cater to any other religion disregarding the
religion of Sri Lankan Tamils.
(i) Government adopted majoritarian measure to establish Sinhala Supremacy. In 1956, an Act was passed to recognise Sinhala as the only official language thus disregarding Tamil.
(ii) The governments followed preferential politics that favoured Sinhala applicants for university positions and government jobs.