Biology, asked by sureshjangra448, 6 hours ago

3. Explain the following processes:

(b) Depolarisation of the membrane of a nerve fibre
(c) Conduction of a nerve impulse along a nerve fibre
(d) Transmission of a nerve impulse across a chemical synapse
please answer me fast
as soon as possible ​


Answered by anshmishradps09



During resting condition, the concentration of K+ ions is more inside the axoplasm while the concentration of Na+ ions is more outside the axoplasm. As a result, the potassium ions move faster from inside to outside as compared to sodium ions. Therefore, the membrane becomes positively charged outside and negatively charged inside. This is known as the polarization of membrane or polarized nerve.

When an electrical stimulus is received by a nerve fibre, an action potential is generated. The membrane becomes permeable to sodium ions than to potassium ions. This results in a positive charge inside and negative charge outside the nerve fibre. Hence, the membrane is said to be depolarised. The potential generated at this phase is known as the action potential. As the action potential reaches its maximum value, the membrane potential gets reversed and this state is known as repolarization.

Synapse is a small gap that occurs between the last portion of the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of next neuron. When an impulse reaches at the end plate of the axon, vesicles consisting of a chemical substance or neurotransmitter, such as acetylcholine, fuse with the plasma membrane. This chemical moves across the cleft and attaches to chemo-receptors present on the membrane of the dendrite of next neuron. This binding of chemical with chemo-receptors leads to the depolarization of membrane and generates a nerve impulse across nerve fibre.

Polarisation of the membrane of a nerve fibre

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