Computer Science, asked by chandumali2005, 2 months ago

3. Explain the problem definition phase.​


Answered by prajapatidevendra787


Problem Definition

It is during this define phase that the project is being fleshed out by the team. That is to say that as a group, in conjunction with our client, we must decide upon what the project will be about. A detailed list of these needs, wants, and specifications can be seen in the Project Overview Page.

The most important aspects of The Child Mobility Project are exemplefied in the requirements set forth by our client. It is import that the structure of the vehicle fit the child and safetly support their weight. In regards to the vehicle its motion must be controlled by the child and be capable of zero degree turns. The battery life of the vehicle must last at least one therapy session and be rechargeable.

The project is further delineated by the constraints of the project. First and foremost the control scheme must be intuitive for the child and furthermore must be input via joystick. Overall the vehicle must cost less that $500 and be easily transportable.

Research Survey

Early Power Mobility:

An article presented by Debra Field and Roslyn Livingstone, illustrates the need for powered mobility devices tailored towards children 12 months and up. Children who are not moving under their own volition by twelve months-of-age are at an increased risk for developmental delays. “The brain’s ability to develop and form connections in the sensory and motor areas peaks at two years-of age, therefore it is very important that children who are not moving independently by 12 months of-age have opportunity for independent mobility experience using power mobility”. Early research on the effects of powered mobility solutions for children shows a positive impact on child development, and an increased level of independence for the child. No evidence of negative impacts to the child’s development has been found. Powered mobility also has a positive impact on a child’s ability to develop more traditional peer relationships.

Early Intervention:

Current research shows a direct correlation between a child’s ability to control its own locomotion and positive development in a variety of areas. Children who use powered mobility have seen increased development similar to children without disabilities. These developments include increased alertness, increased understanding of cause and effect, and in some cases increased use of their arms. These improvements were even seen in children who were not able to achieve independence using power wheelchairs. These results indicate the need for powered mobility solutions with simple control schemes. The success seen by children using powered wheelchairs has led some researchers to firmly recommend powered mobility for non-ambulatory children. Another avenue to improve powered mobility integration is to have the children practice in familiar environments; such as at home with family. Powered mobility can be used and practiced when the child is participating in meaningful activities and familiar routines.

Babies Driving Robots:

One major concern was the ability of children ages zero to three to be able to operate a moving device. The control scheme, especially, would have to be designed for the target age range. This article describes a study that was done to see if infants would “use their ability to reach and grasp to achieve self-generated locomotion via a mobile robot before they could independently locomote via crawling or walking”. The study called for the infants to be placed in a mobile robot controlled by a joystick. The handler would point to and verbally encourage the infant to use the joystick, but would not show them what it did. Several of the infants expressed positive behavior toward the joystick and increased usage over several sessions. This study shows that infants are able to learn and use joysticks to move a mobility device.

The Dangers of Electric Toys:

The United States

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