Math, asked by rauttrupti54, 11 months ago

3. Give two examples to show each of the following:
(1) Set of whole numbers is not closed with respect to subtraction.

(ii) Set of whole numbers is not closed with respect to division.


Answered by harpreet20feb

1)the set of whole numbers is not closed under subtraction. If we enlarge our set to be the integers {..., −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...} we get a set that is closed under addition, subtraction and multiplication.

2)The set of integers is not closed under the operation of division because when you divide one integer by another, you don't always get another integer as the answer. For example, 4 and 9 are both integers, but 4 ÷ 9 = 4/9. ... to see more examples of infinite sets that do and do not satisfy the closure property.

Hope it helps you

Answered by Kumarswami5656


2)The closure property of the division tells that the result of the division of two whole numbers is not always a whole number. Whole numbers are not closed under division i.e., a ÷ b is not always a whole numb

1)When one whole number is subtracted from another, the difference is not always a whole number. This means that the whole numbers are not closed under subtraction. If a and b are two whole numbers and a − b = c, then c is not always a whole number.

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