English, asked by BUDDHADEBSARKR, 10 months ago

3. (HOMEWORK): Write a précis of the following passage:
Order and security are necessary for civilisation, but they are not enough. It is not
much good having security for your possessions, if you have no possessions. Freedom,
again, is necessary for civilisation but it is not much good being free, unless you can also
get the means to live. The means to live are food and clothes and shelter,, or in modern
countries, the money with which to buy them; and if you have no money or very little,
and have to work terribly hard in order to get it, then political justice is of little use to
you, for you will not have enough leisure to enjoy yourself or enough good things to
enjoy. Now although a fair amount of political justice has been achieved in the world,
notably in countries where there has long been democratic government, there has been
very little economic justice. An economically just society would be one in which
everybody who is prepared, to work is certain of getting a reasonable amount of money,
just as a politically just society is one in which everything is reasonably secure and free
from fear. (189 words)​


Answered by labonisarkar702

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