History, asked by sabinaapaola, 8 months ago

3. How would you characterize slave culture in the US South?
4. From what influences did the culture of enslaved men and women in the South draw upon? Do you think this culture was a source of hope or relief for enslaved people?
5. Please write a short paragraph that details a slave rebellion in the United States (not Nat Turner's). In your paragraph, please include when and where the rebellion took place, who lead the rebellion, the consequences for those found guilty, and any laws that changed in the wake of the rebellion. How would you characterize slave culture in the US South?


Answered by hurriyahoor70


ANSno1= During the nineteenth century, enslaved African Americans worked on large plantations in the US South under brutal conditions.

In the early 19th century, most enslaved men and women worked on large agricultural plantations as house servants or field hands.

Life for enslaved men and women was brutal; they were subject to repression, harsh punishments, and strict racial policing.

Enslaved people adopted a variety of mechanisms to cope with the degrading realities of life on the plantation. They resisted slavery through everyday acts, while also occasionally plotting larger-scale revolts.

Enslaved men and women created their own unique religious culture in the US South, combining elements of Christianity and West African traditions and spiritual beliefs.

ANSno2=Religion played a big role in the lives of many enslaved men and women. Slaveholders often encouraged, condoned, or turned a blind eye to religious activity and worship among their slaves. In some cities of the South, slaves formed their own congregations with their own preachers and religious services. The biblical story of the exodus, during which Moses led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt, held special resonance for enslaved people.Life for most enslaved men and women was brutal and harsh. They were frequently separated from their family members because most slaveowners had no compunction about splitting up families in order to improve their own financial situation.

ANSno3=A slave rebellion is an armed uprising by slaves. Slave rebellions have occurred in nearly all societies that practice slavery or have practiced slavery in the past. A desire for freedom and the dream of successful rebellion are often the greatest objects of song, art, and culture amongst the enslaved population. Many of the events, however, are often violently opposed and suppressed by slaveholders.

The most successful slave rebellion in history was the 18th-century Haitian Revolution, led by Toussaint Louverture and later Jean-Jacques Dessalines who won the war against their French colonial rulers, which founded the country formerly known as Saint Domingue.Influenced by restrictive laws and brutal treatment, slaves combined African and Christian customs to form a culture of survival and resistance.

hope it works out

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