English, asked by mondalkishore025, 11 months ago

3 Join each set of sentences into one simple sentence by using Infin
the tige of the country. She won a bronze
(ii) He went to Kolkata yesterday. He wanted to purchase some books.
(i) He had no money. He could not buy food,
(ii) My grandfather heard of my success. He was very glad.
(iv) I heard of his father's death. I was shocked.
(v) My friend has a large family. He has to maintain it
(vi) The farmer cannot buy a radio. He is very poor.
(vii) I want to help you. What can I do?
(viii) He speaks the truth. He is not afraid of it.
(ix) The old man is very weak. He cannot walk,
(x) He keeps some dogs. They will guard his house.
(xi) He works hard. His object is to maintain his family.
(xii) Every football team has a coach. He trains all the players.
(xiii) Mr. Roy went to Agra last week. He wanted to visit the Taj Maha
(xiv) The people in the locality held a meeting. They wished to discus
(xv) Rajat wants to earn a good livelihood. He works very hard.
4 Join each set of sentences into one simple sentence by using ado
adverbial phrases:
The boy answered the question. His answer was correct


Answered by smiley1367


1 He went to Kolkata yesterday as he wanted to buy some books

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