3. Make verbs from the following adjectives ; use suffixes and prefixes :Alien, atomic, brief, base, civil, dead, fresh, false, fond, large
The given adjectives using suffixes and prefixes can be converted into verbs as shown below:
Adjectives Verb
Alien Alienate
atomic atomize
brief debrief
base debase
civil civilize
dead deaden
fresh refresh
false falsify
fond fondle
large enlarge
Prefix is a letter or group of letters added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning such as un- in unhealthy.
Suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to change its meaning such as –ness in happiness.
Verbs from the adjectives:
- Alienate
- Atomize
- Debrief
- Debase
- Civilize
- Deaden
- Refresh
- Falsify
- Fondle
- Enlarge
- A prefix is group of letters that are added in the beginning of the word to form a verb.
- The prefixes formed here are debrief, debase, refresh and enlarge.
- A suffix is group of letters that are added at the end of the word to form a verb.
- The suffix formed here are falsify, fondle, deaden, civilize, alienate and atomize.