3. Mr. Puneeth, the personnel manager of a Textile Mill is recruiting its graduate
trainees through two consultancy agencies. The performance index 10 10
scale) of the trainees from each consultancy agency follows normal distribution
The variance of the performance index of the trainees selected through a
Consultancy Agency X is 12 and that of the trainees selected through another
Consultancy Agency Y is 6. The manager feels that the mean performance index
of the trainees selected through the Consultancy Agency X is less than that of
the trainees selected through the Consultancy Agency y To test his intuition
he has drawn a sample of 64 trainees selected through the consultancy Agency
X and their mean performance index is found to be 8. Similarly, he has drawna
sample of 81 trainees selected through the Consultancy Agency Y and their
mean performance index is found to be 6.5. Test the intuition of Mr. Puneeth at
a signiticant level of 0.01

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because mr puneet weight is of 10kg
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