Business Studies, asked by ishikajain1023, 4 months ago

3. Mrs Reeta Bajaj, the lecturer in 'Business Studies' asked three students of her class-XI each one to express one of his views on the selection of form of business organisation. First of all , it wase Kanika's turn. She said that she would select such a form of business organisation as should be the opportunity of what he had to say. Rahul said that he would establish such a business organisation for which trained and expert manpower should be easily available . Last of all , Anvi , expressing her no untoward effect on her domestic property in the adverse circumstances. After this, Rahul gol lhe views said that she would like such a business organisations as can be set up without many ſormalities. all the three of them expressed their respective views on the choice of business organisation.

In this way What particular point is indicated by the three students through their respective choice of the business organisation in the above paragraph? [3]​


Answered by mufiahmotors


Since it deprives the host of valuable nutrients, You often see slimy, green patches in ponds or stagnant water bodies. These are generally formed by the growth of organisms called algae. Can you guess why algae are green in colour? They contain chlorophyll which gives them the green colour

Answered by Mbappe007



Meaning: Conduct of business activities according to standardised tools, methods

and trained personal so as to have increased output through effective and optimum

utilisation of resources. Hence it stresses that there is always one best way of

doing things.

Scientific Management attempts to eliminate wastes to ensure maximum production

at minimum cost.

Principles of Scientific Management

1. Science, not rule of Thumb:

There should be scientific study and analysis of each element of job rather

than using intuition, experience or adopting old rule of thumb approach on a

hit and miss method. Encourage “thinking before doing” and determining

standard output.

2. Harmony, not discord:

There should be complete harmony and proper understanding between

management and workers in achieving the organisation goals. For this he

emphasised mental revolution i.e., a complete change in mental outlook and

attiude of workers and management towards one another from competition

to cooperation. The management should create pleasant working conditions

and workers should work with full loyalty. Instead of fighting over distribution

of profits, they must focus attention on increasing it.

3. Cooperation not individualism:

Taylor emphasised on the importance of cooperative group efforts between

the management and workers in achieving the organisation’s goal and not

individualism. Both should realise that they need each other.

4. Development of workers to their greatest efficiency and prosperity:

The management should scientifically select the workers; assign job as per

Class XII : Business Studies 23

their physical, mental and intellectual capabilities; and train them as per the

job requirement to increase their efficiency.

Q.13 Which principle of scientific management suggests the introduction of

scientific investigation and analysis of management practices?(Science not

rule of thumb)

Q.14 Which principle of scientific management suggest that management should

share its gains with workers and workers should be willing to embrace the

change for good of the company (Harmony not discord)

Techniques of Scientific Management

A. Functional Foremanship

• Supervision is to be divided into several specialized functions and each

function to be entrusted to a special foreman. • Each worker will have to take orders from eight foreman in the related process

of function of production. • Stress on separating planning function from execution function.

F ac

To learn more :

https   : // ww w.e du de l.nic .i n/welc om e_fo ld er/sup port_mat erial_20 17_201 8/12/12_sm_2017_bst udy_eng.p df


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