Economy, asked by 2002apple, 1 year ago

3 people check into hotel room by 30$.The manager finds the cost was 25$.,so he gives 5$ to bellboy and tell him to give to them.the bell boy keot 2and 1each.=3.Now this adds up to25+2+2=29.



Answered by shaistafirdaws

The misdirection in this riddle is at the end of the description, where a bunch of unrelated totals are added together, and the listener assumes these numbers should add to 30. There is, in fact, no reason this sum should add to 30. The exact sum mentioned in the riddle is computed as:

SUM = $9 (payment by Guest 1) +
           $9 (payment by Guest 2) +
           $9 (payment by Guest 3) +
           $2 (money in bellhop's pocket)

this is what should have been added..

$30 = $1 (inside Guest pocket) +
         $1 (inside Guest pocket) +
         $1 (inside Guest pocket) +
         $2 (inside bellhop's pocket) +
         $25 (hotel cash register) 

shaistafirdaws: $30 = $1 (inside Guest pocket) +
$1 (inside Guest pocket) +
$1 (inside Guest pocket) +
$2 (inside bellhop's pocket) +
$25 (hotel cash register)
shaistafirdaws: the trick is to confuse u.
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