3. Read the following outline and construct an interesting story in not more than 100 words. Give a suitable title to the story: A bee----- falls into a tank-----a dove flies past-----drops a large leaf into the water--------the bee dimbs on the leaf-flies away-----a boy takes aim at the dove--------the bee stings --the dove is saved.
Act of kindness
Once a bee was flying in the air and suddenly due to force of wind it fell into a tank of water ,then a dove nearby flying and saw the bee and threw a big leaf. Then the bee climbed on the leaf and thanked the dove. After a few days a boy once who aimed the dove for catching it.then the bee saw this and stringed the boy leg, then the boy missed the target. and the dove is saved .
Read the following outline and construct an interesting story in not more than 100 words. Give a suitable title to the story:
A bee----- falls into a tank-----a dove flies past-----drops a large leaf into the water--------the bee climbs on the leaf-flies away-----a boy takes aim at the dove--------the bee stings --the dove is saved.
The dove and the bee.
A Dove saw a bee fall into a tank. The bee struggled in vain to reach the bank, and in pity, the Dove dropped a large leaf. Clinging to the leaf like a shipwrecked sailor to a broken spar, the bee floated safely to shore.
Soon after, the bee saw a boy getting ready to kill the Dove with a stone. But just as he cast the stone, the bee stung him in the heel, so that the pain made him miss his aim, and the startled Dove flew to safety in a distant wood.
Mora: 1. Kindness is never wasted
2. If you do good, good will come to you. One good turn deserves another.