English, asked by ankitabasak465, 7 days ago

3. Read the following passage and answer the questions given bel
The Principia was not only Newton's monumental achievement. It was also the turning point in his
life. As we know from his papers, he had performed prodigious works in a number of fields. As we
also know, he had completed nothing. By 1684, he had littered his study with unfinished mathematical
produced only a chaos of unorganised notes and disconnected essays. Had Newton died in 1684 and
treatises. He had not pursued his promising insights in mechanics. His alchemical investigations had
his papers survived, we would know from them that a genius had lived. Instead of hailing him as a
figure who shaped the modern intellect, however, we would at most mention him in brief paragraphs
lamenting his failure to reach fulfilment. The period 1684-87 brought an end to the tentative years.
Finally, he saw an undertaking through to its conclusion.
[The Life of Isaac Newton-Richard S Westfall]
4. Complete the following sentences with information from the passage :
(1) Besides being a monumental achievement
(ii) In spite of making path-breaking discoveries in certain fields
(iii) The period 1684-87 was important in Newton's life because
Fill in the chart with information from the passage :
Field of work
What Newton did
Not pursued his promising insights.
Produced unfinished treatises.​


Answered by manishgpta98





Answered by bimalpaul67


l want to those three qus. ans.

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