Hindi, asked by 57544, 3 months ago

3. सन्धि विचार कुरुत (सन्धि विमोद कीजिए ) (Disjoin the following words.) (क) मन्त्रिणश्च (ख) शारजाण्यधीत्या (ग) हिमालयः + (घ) बालिकाश्च 4. समासस्य विग्रहं कृत्वा नमानि लिखत (समास विग्रह करके उनके नाम लिखें।) (Divide the compound words with refrence) समास के नाम विग्रह (क) दोलासना (ख) क्रीडास्थलानि (ग) गगाजलम् (घ) प्रतिवर्षम् 5, पदपरिचयं दीयताम् - ( पद परिचय दीजिए।) (Parse the following words.) (क) प्रेरणा (ख) अस्माकम् (ग) जलैः (घ) अनेन (ङ) चुम्बन्ति (च) अस्य (छ) एतासु​


Answered by XxlovelyqueenxX18


The effort arm (or arm of applied force) is the portion of the lever to which we apply the effort, or input force. ... In a first-class lever, the effort arm and load arm are located on opposite sides of the fulcrum, and effort is applied in the same direction as the force exerted by the load.

Answered by keerthyreddy7788


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