Science, asked by nidhisingh81200, 8 months ago

3. Suggest some measure to ensure
equality in society.​


Answered by devroy26780


fundamental reason we have not yet achieved gender equality in every realm is that women and girls’ voices are too often excluded from global and national decision-making. When programmes and policies are designed without women’s needs central to their foundation, we’re setting ourselves up to fail. If grassroots women had been adequately consulted in designing the MDGs, decision-makers would have been able to anticipate that girls would still be held responsible for many home chores, caring for younger siblings and fetching water, and have known that a major obstacle for girls’ education is that girls are at risk of physical and sexual assaults when they have to walk long distances to school.

Answered by Anonymous

There is no such thing as equality. It does not exist, at least not in the way most people seem to think of it. You can provide equal opportunities to everyone and I can guarantee you will not achieve equality of outcome. Meaning if you split up the wealth equally between everyone on earth a few years later you’d still have rich and poor people in about the same proportions you do now. Trying to ensure equality is a complete waste of time. It is impossible. Think about it. Real equality would mean there would be very few professional sports women who could make a living. Men would dominate them. Serena Williams would be lucky to make it past the first round of a competition. She would not even be in the top 100 tennis players in the world.

Then there’s the problem that despite all the noise very few people actually want equality. What they want is what they think other people have. Women think men have it easy, some white people think Chinese people have it easy. No woman actually wants equality with men. They’d face 50% longer prison sentences for a start. Then considering 97% of those who die at work are men they’d have to raise their work fatality rate by over 1600%. While 95% of the top jobs are held by men 95% of the poorest are also men. Men make up over 80% of all homeless people and about 97% of long term homeless people. Cherry picking the best bits is not genuine equality it’s a selfish power grab.

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