Math, asked by av848793, 6 months ago

(3) त्रिभुजों ABC और DEF में <B = <E,<F= <C तथा AB-3DE
(अ) सर्वांगसम परंतु समरूप नहीं (ब) समरूप परंतु सर्वांगसम नहीं
(स) न तो सर्वांगसम और न ही समरूप (द) सर्वांगसम और समरूप दोनों
(4) समीकरण (+11-x=0
(अ) के चार वास्तविक मूल हैं (ब) के दो वास्तविक मूल हैं
(स) के कोई वास्तविक मूल नहीं हैं (द) का एक वास्तविक मूल है।
(5) यदि रैखिक समीकरणों को कोई युग्म संगत है, तो इसके आलेख की रेखाएं
(अ) समांतर
(स) प्रतिच्छेदी या सम्पाती
(ब) सदैव सम्पाती
(द) सदैव प्रतिच्छेदी​


Answered by sujitkumardash38


Case Study Based - 2

Three squares have dimensions as indicated in the figure. Answer18.

Case Study Based - 2

Three squares have dimensions as indicated in the figure. Answer18.

Case Study Based - 2

Three squares have dimensions as indicated in the figure. Answer18.

Case Study Based - 2

Three squares have dimensions as indicated in the figure. Answer18.

Case Study Based - 2

Three squares have dimensions as indicated in the figure. Answer18.

Case Study Based - 2

Three squares have dimensions as indicated in the figure. Answer

9PM 18.

Case Study Based - 2

Three squares have dimensions as indicated in the figure. Answer18.

Case Study Based - 2

Three squares have dimensions as indicated in the figure. Answer18.

Case Study Based - 2

Three squares have dimensions as indicated in the figure. Answer18.

Case Study Based - 2

Three squares have dimensions as indicated in the figure. Answer

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