Social Sciences, asked by meenaxirajput1104, 3 days ago

3. The farmers are compelled to sell their crops at the prevailing however low they might be. fill in the blanks​


Answered by ranjinderkaur469


Work out a comprehensive medium-term strategy for food and nutrition security

in the country in order to move towards the goal of universal food security over


Propose methods of enhancing the productivity, profitability, stability and

sustainability of the major farming systems of the country based on an agro-

ecological and agro-climatic approach and the harnessing of frontier


Bring about synergy between technology and public policy and recommend

measures for enhancing income and employment potential in rural areas through

diversification, application of appropriate technology including IT for

information on market, weather, credit facilities and e-commerce, training and

market reforms.

Suggest measures to attract and retain educated youth in farming and

recommend for this purpose; methods of technological upgrading of crop

husbandry, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries (inland and marine), agro-

forestry and agro-processing and associated marketing infrastructure.

Suggest comprehensive policy reforms designed to enhance investment in agri-

research, substantially increase flow of rural credit to farmers including small

and marginal, triggering agricultural growth led economic progress, which can

lead to opportunities for a healthy and productive life to rural families.

Formulate special programmes for dryland farming for farmers in the arid and

semi-arid regions, as well as for farmers in hilly and coastal areas in order to link

the livelihood security of the farming communities living in such areas with the

ecological security of such regions. Review in this context, all ongoing

Technology Missions like those relating to pulses, oilseeds, maize, cotton,

watershed etc. and recommend methods of promoting horizontal integration of

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