English, asked by lihasahmed123, 1 month ago

3. The poet suggests the soft flow of the river by the use of soft consonants and long vowel sounds. Quote the line where this device has been skilfully used? ​


Answered by SurajBrainlyStarz




meant to be read aloud to hear the sound, the rhythm, and sometimes the rhyme. How do poets create sound and rhythm in their poems? Through several literary devices.


Assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sound in words near each other.


Consonance is the repetition of the same consonant sounds in words near each other


Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sounds at the beginning of words near each other.


Onomatopoeia means a word resembles the meaning sound it represents.


Rhyme requires two or more words that repeat the same sounds.. They are often spelled in a similar way, but they don’t have to be spelled in similar ways. Rhyme can occur at the end of a line, called end rhyme, or it can occur in the middle of the line, called internal rhyme.


Rhythm, of course, is the beat–the stressed syllables in a poem. Poets have a variety of possibilities for building that rhythm and ending lines.


Meter is the countable beat that a poet or reader can count. The rhythm will have equal intervals. Count the beat in William Blake’s poem “The Lamb.”

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