History, asked by dapborlangmawlong, 4 months ago

3. The term 'Plebiscite' means :
(a) Adult Franchise
(b) A direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or rejec
a proposal.
(c) When the rich and the aristocrats select their leaders.
(d) A vote by the people to elect their leader.
4. How was the process of German Unification completed and who was proclaimed the
(a) After many wars, Kaisar William became the ruler.
(b) After 3 wars fought over 7 years with Austria, Denmark and France, Kaisar William
I became the ruler of a Unified Germany.
(c) The Germans defeated the Hapsburg Empire and made Kaisar William I the rulet.
(d) Otto von Bismarck became the ruler after defeating France.
5. Garibaldi contributed to the Italian Unification by :
(a) Declaring Victor Emmanuel as the king of United Italy in 1860.​


Answered by PujaGupta29



The answer of 3 is b.....

Answered by Adityaboy


(b) A direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or rejec

a proposal.


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