3. Two friends Anjali and Ashish 1 point
are playing a board game. The
rules are: If ODD number turns
up on the dice, they will move
their token backward (negative
side) and if EVEN number
appears on the throw of dice,
they will move the token
forward (positive side). The
game consists of 10 moves and
the winner will be the one
whose token is on the greater

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Solution :-
First outcome :- (4,1)
- Anjali = 4 => Even number => Move forward at 4 .
- Ashish = 1 => Odd number => Move backward at (-1) .
Second outcome :- (1,2)
- Anjali = 1 => Odd number => Move 1 backward from 4 = 3 .
- Ashish = 2 => Even number => Move 2 forward from (-1) = 1
Third outcome :- (2,6)
- Anjali = 2 => Even number => Move forward from 3 = 5 .
- Ashish = 6 => Even number => Move forward from 1 7 .
Fourth outcome :- (6,4)
- Anjali = 6 => Even number => Move forward from 6 = 12 .
- Ashish = 4 => Even number => Move forward from 7 = 11 .
Fifth outcome :- (3,1)
- Anjali = 3 => Odd number => Move backward from 12 = 9 .
- Ashish = 1 => Odd number => Move backward from 9 = 8
Sixth outcome :- (4,4)
- Anjali = 4 => Even number => Move forward from 9 = 13
- Ashish = 4 => Even number => Move forward from 8 = 12.
Seventh outcome :- (2,5)
- Anjali = 2 => Even number => Move forward from 13 = 15
- Ashish = 5 => Odd number => Move backward from 12 = 7
Eighth outcome :- (5,4)
- Anjali = 5 => Odd number => Move backward from 15 = 10 .
- Ashish = 4 => Even number => Move forward from 7 = 11 .
Ninth outcome :- (6,4)
- Anjali = 6 => Even number => Move forward from 10 = 16 .
- Ashish = 4 => Even number => Move forward from 11 = 15 .
Tenth outcome :- (3,2)
- Anjali = 3 => Odd number => Move backward from 16 = 13 .
- Ashish = 2 => Even number => Move forward from 15 = 17 .
As we can see that, after 10 outcomes Anjali is at 13 number on board game and Ashish is at 17 number .
therefore, we can conclude that, "Ashish" will win the game .
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