Computer Science, asked by neilbakshi0203, 6 months ago

3. Using Calc Create temperature chart for 5 months (Jan – May) for any 10 consecutive years.
• Calculate average temperature per year
• Calculate maximum temperature, month wise
• Convert temperatures in march moth in degree Fahrenheit
• Represent data in a well formatted Chart


Answered by Anonymous


Calculating average temperatures gives you a more accurate picture of the temperature in a specific location than a single measurement ever could. Temperatures fluctuate throughout the day, over the course of a week, month to month and year to year, as well as varying substantially depending on where exactly you are. Making sense of this and coming up with one figure for your purposes requires calculating the mean temperature, which is a specific type of average. You do this by adding up all of your individual measurements and dividing by the number of measurements.

Answered by sapna1205


this is your clac create

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