3. WAP to accept the two lengths in cm and mm, add the length to print the sum.
INPUT: Length 1 = 7cm 6mm Length 2 = 3cm 9mm
OUTPUT: Sum of length = 11cm 5mm
Here, I have assumed that the length are not in double type, like - 7.5 cm 6 mm and the length in cm must be written before mm.
The Code -
import java.util.*;
public class SumOfLength{
public static void main(){
Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter length: ");
String x[]=sc.nextLine().toLowerCase().replace(" ","").split("cm");
System.out.print("Enter length: ");
String y[]=sc.nextLine().toLowerCase().replace(" ","").split("cm");
int cm=Integer.parseInt(x[0])+Integer.parseInt(y[0]);
int mm=Integer.parseInt(x[1])+Integer.parseInt(y[1]);
System.out.println("Sum: "+cm+" cm "+mm+" mm.");
- Accept the lengths and store in string.
- Remove all the spaces from string.
- Extract the numbers from the string.
- Add up the length and store them in variables - mm and cm.
- Display the value of the variables.
See attachment for output.