3. What has been the result of unbalanced development?
Unbalanced growth is a natural path of economic development. Situations that countries are in at any one point in time reflect their previous investment decisions and development. Accordingly, at any point in time desirable investment programs that are not balanced investment packages may still advance welfare. Unbalanced investment can complement or correct existing imbalances. Once such an investment is made, a new imbalance is likely to appear, requiring further compensating investments. Therefore, growth need not take place in a balanced way. Supporters of the unbalanced growth doctrine include Albert O. Hirschman, Hans Singer, Paul Streeten, Marcus Fleming, Prof. Rostov and J. Sheehan.
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Albert Hirschman: Unbalanced Growth Theory. One of the prominent figures of the European émigrés development theorists, Albert Hirschman is notable for the