3) What other rules do you think are
needed for better discipline in traffic?
I'll assume the problem is traffic accidents and traffic congestion. In the U.S. traffic accidents are usually the result of human error, weather, and faulty autos. To reduce human error a driver must have an up-to-date license. Once they have that license they must follow the rules of the road which are strictly enforced by police. If they do not, their license will be taken and they will not be allowed to drive again until certain conditions are met. For weather related accidents, it is up to the driver to use their best judgement on how to drive. Now since there are drivers out there who lack judgement skills, transportation authorities have instituted the use of digital speed signs thus enabling to lower the speed limit on a rainy/snowy day, and show messages like "Slow Down". Finally to reduce the number of faulty autos on the road, every car must be registered yearly and in a lot of states must undergo emissions tests. Police are also always on the prowl for autos that are not up-to-date on their registration, or have clear faults, like lights that don't work. Basically the best way to reduce accidents is to provide vigilance on the roads via. police, education via. signage and tests, and methods of registration that can be easily tracked.
Now in terms of traffic congestion, this is a different beast. The only real way to reduce congestion, (assuming it's not related to a traffic, or construction) is to increase the ratio of roadways to autos. So in essence either create more road space, or reduce the amount of autos on the road. Incentive programs are typically costly to governments, as are building new road ways. It also be said that building up mass transit systems are a good idea, but again they cost money as well and are not a sure shot guarantee of getting people out of their autos. In my opinion then, congestion is not an issue, which needs to be addressed. More important are the greenhouse gases that pollute the atmosphere in heavily congested areas. However as government regulators push for greener cars to be developed, this too will become a non-issue. So my solution would be to let congestion stay.
Strict action taken and fine should be high ..