3. Who were allowed to trade by king Zamori of Calicut ?
4. Which Mughal emperor allowed the British to trade in Bengal?
3.From the 13th century,Kozhikode developed into the major trading centre where the Middle-Eastern and Chinese sailors met toexchange their products. Marco Polo who visited Kozhikode in 1293– 1294 records that the trade in Kerala wasdominated by the Chinese. Ibn Batutah refers to the brisk Chinese trade atKozhikode.
4. emperor Aurangzeb
1- From the 13th century, Kozhikode developed into the major trading centre where the Middle-Eastern and Chinese sailors met to exchange their products. Marco Polo who visited Kozhikode in 1293– 1294 records that the trade in Kerala was dominated by the Chinese. Ibn Batutah refers to the brisk Chinese trade at Kozhikode.
2- emperor Aurangzeb
One of these was Kalikata, which later grew into the city of Calcutta or Kolkata as it is known today. It also persuaded the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb to issue a farman granting the Company the right to trade duty free.