3. Why did the people dislike Aurangzeb and how did he becomes the cause of declination of Mughal Empire?
please help me

widely revel as a religion fanatics who sought to violently oppress hindu
Aurangzeb made himself popular with traders by abolishing many local taxes, but generally, taxation was very high during his reign. Not only did he have to pay for the cost of his military campaigns, but he also spent huge sums on building luxurious places. The taxes resulting from Aurangzeb's heavy spending meant that by his death in 1707, he had become an unpopular ruler. Perhaps much of the criticism is a result of his more austere measures, such as appointing censors of public morals, banning the consumption of alcohol, even determining the maximum length of beards. But to many people, these were the wise and needy measures helping to ensure that peoples' lives were lived in the correct manner. He achieved much, but it is also true that, during his reign, the start of decay in the Empire could be seen.