3) x is a positive square root of y and m is the square of y. If x, y, m are nonzero
numbers, what is the relation between x and m?
Answered by
Step-by-step explanation:
Note that .
(1) x = 6. Not sufficient.
(2) y^2 = x^2 -->  --> if  and  have the same sign then  (for example ) but if  and  have the opposite signs then  (for example  and ). Not sufficient.
(1)+(2) We still don't know whether  and  have the same sign or not. Not sufficient.
Answer: E.
About .
The point here is that as square root function cannot give negative result then .
So . But what does  equal to?
Let's consider following examples:
If  --> ;
If  --> .
So we got that:
, if ;
, if .
What function does exactly the same thing? The absolute value function: , if  and , if . That is why 
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