30 activities which could help heal the earth
1. Stop cutting trees
2. Stop mining
3. stop burning fuels
4. stop construction of dams and tall buildings
5. Stop nuclear testings
6. Use solar power
7. Use Biogas for burning
29. Stop Breathing... XD
30. Stop Living ..... XD
1.)Save water
2.) control industrialization
3.) grow trees and plants in a really high rate.
4.) ban plastic products
5.)use of more renewable sources of energy than renewable sources
6.)stop petrol or at least disel vehicle production and promoting e-vehicles.
7.) stop pollution.
8.) stop building new homes , buildings and structures.
9.) stop mining of mountains for marbles and other valuable stones.
10.) ban killing all types of wild animals.
11.) stop corruption , thefts ,scams ,etc. as they stops , the community will have better infrastructure. that is indirectly leading in saving earth in many ways.
12.) educate children and people about being nature - friendly .
13.) decrease rate of celebrations and ceremonies as in their going many resources like food , electricity and water are wasted too much.
or perform a eco- friendly ceremony or program.
14.) signing of world wide peace treaty
so no countries can fight war .(de- militraization)
15.) controling the massive rate of size increasing of cities , metros , etc.
16.) increase afforestation rate in comparison to deforestation rate.
17.) stop farming practices like jhumming or slash and burn agriculture as firstly it pollutes air by the smokes of burnt weeds and also it lefts the land as waste land for some next year's.
18.) stop conducting any type of tests or wars with nuclear weapons or radioactive materials.
19.) stop using high voltage wires or high speed connection towers as they cause many birds to die thus unbalacing eco balance on earth.
20.) use of special abilities of places or states in a sustainable way . like rajasthan has abandon source of solar and wind energy .