30. Differentiate Domain name and URL
31. Write a notes on Name-your-price websites
32. List the various layers of EDI
30. The URL is a string of information providing the complete address of the web page on the internet. Whereas domain name is a part of URL which is a user-friendly form of IP address. We use the URL for identifying a particular web page.
1.URL (aka Universal Resource Locator) is a complete web address used to find a particular web page. While the domain is the name of the website, a URL will lead to any one of the pages within the website.
2.) Name-your-price sites are just like normal retail sites. In contrast, the buyer negotiates with the retailer for a particular product or service, https://in.hotels.comRead more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/1012174/write-a-note-on-name-your-price-websites?show=1012175#a1012175
3.) EDI Architecture
EDI architechture specifies 4 layers:-
1)Semantic (application layer)
2)Standard transaction layer.
3)Packing (transport) layer.
4)Physical n/w infrastructure layer.