30 name of scientist and their invention
Scientist Name
1905 Photon Albert Einstein
1897 Electron J.J. Thomson
1919 Proton Ernest Rutherford
1808 Atom John Dalton
1932 Neutron James Chadwick
1687 Law of Motion Isaac Newton
1779 Coulomb Charles-Augustin de Coulomb
1827 Ohm’s Law Georg Simon Ohm
1831 Electromagnetic Induction Michael Faraday
1880 Thermionic Emission Thomas Edison
1896 Radioactivity Henri Becquerel
1898 Radium Marie Sklodowska-Curie
1900 Quantum theory Max Planck
1905 Photoelectric Effect Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
1895 X-Ray Röntgen
1905 Relativity Albert Einstein
1913 Atomic Structure Neils Bohr & Rutherford
1942 Nuclear Reactor Enrico
1 Adding Machine Pascal France 1642
2 Aeroplane Wright brothers USA 1903
3 Balloon Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier France 1783
4 Ball –Point pen C. Biro Hungary 1938
5 Barometer E. Torricelli Italy 1644
6 Bicycle K. Macmillan Scotland 1839
7 Bicycle Tyre J.B. Dunlop Scotland 1888
8 Calculating Machine Pascal France 1642
9 Centrigrade Scale A.Celsius France 1742
10 Cinematograph Thomas Alva Edison USA 1891
11 Computer Charles Babbage Britain 1834
12 Cine Camera Friese-Greene Britain 1889
13 Cinema A.L. and J.L. Lumiere France 1895
14 Clock (Machanical) Hsing and Ling –Tsan China 1725
15 Clock (Pendulum) C. Hugyens Netherlands 1657
16 Diesel engine Rudolf diesel Germany 1892
17 Dynamite Alfred Nobel Sweden 1867
18 Dynamo Michael Faraday England 1831
19 Electric Iron H.W. Seeley USA 1882
20 Electric lamp Thomas Alva Edison USA 1879
21 Electromagnet W. sturgeon England 1824
22 Evolution (theory) Charles Darwin England 1858
23 Film (with sound) Dr. Lee de forest USA 1923
24 Fountain Pen LE. Waterman USA 1884
25 Gas Lighting William Murdoch Scotland 1794
26 Gramophone T.A . Edison USA 1878
27 Jet Engine Sir Frank whittle England 1937
28 Lift E.G. Otis USA 1852
29 Locomotive Richard Trevithick England 1804
30 Machine Gun Richard Gatling