English, asked by georaj8414, 4 months ago

30 Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks Draft an e-mail to inform your subordinates about work from hence during Covid Lockdown. 1. 2. Explain the last four lines of the poem "Stopping by woods". 3. Why should the caste of a saint not be asked? 4. What lessons do you learn from the story "The Cherry Tree"? 5. How did Velan feel about his garden?


Answered by rmb

2. The last stanza of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is:

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,    

But I have promises to keep,    

And miles to go before I sleep,    

And miles to go before I sleep.

The speaker says that he is tempted by the beauty of the woods. He wants to stay there longer, to enjoy the sight, and to go deep into the woods, but he cannot. He has commitments that he needs to honour. He cannot afford to stop on the way and enjoy. The line ‘And miles to go before I sleep’ suggests that the speaker has to travel a long distance before he can stop to rest at night. On another level, it means that the speaker has to accomplish a lot of things in this one lifetime, and hence he simply does not have leisure time. Ironically, man wants to be close to nature, but he is in such a rush, that he simply cannot spend time with nature.  

More  on Robert Frost’s poetry:




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