English, asked by johnlorddominicsayso, 9 months ago

30-word flash fiction​


Answered by Anonymous


If brevity is indeed the soul of wit, then just how many words does a writer need to tell a story? I asked a few writers this question. The responses ranged from 4000 to 200 words. Then I asked one of them; “Can you do 30 words?” Dalle Abraham was skeptical. “You mean 300?” He asked. “No. I mean 30 words. Three with one zero.” I told the coolest man from Marsabit. The shortest story ever written by Ernest Hemingway goes like this; For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn. Those were just six words. But it is a complete story with an opening, body and ending. Narrative Magazine did something around the same. See here. There is even a Twitter account for six word stories; @sixwordstories. I figured, if people have written stories six words long, then it would not be an impossible ask to request for stories with a maximum word count of 30. Sindio? So I asked a few writer friends to take part in a project. The brief was simple: Write a story in 30 words or less.

Answered by brokendreams

30-word flash fiction is given below:

  • Any day now, I’m sure.
  • The clouds will part and the sun will shine.
  • The trees will blow.
  • The grass will sway.
  • The carpets will ripple.
  • It will rain.
  • People will cheer.
  • There will be fireworks.
  • And I will feel that I have finally completed that perfectly crafted story.


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