English, asked by MysticAnswerer, 1 year ago

300- 400 word speech on globalisation promotes materialism asap


Answered by Utkarsh7777
I firmly believe that globalisation is a good thing, capitalism is great and I don't know about anybody else, but I know I feel bad when I have no money.

It seems to me though that lots of people attack all of these as being unreservedly evil.


There's so much I could say about the IMF, WTO and a raft of other anti-globalisation targets, but I'm not going to address them here (for good or for ill). Maybe later…

I've noticed a few things about Thailand in my time here. The amount of private enterprise that goes on staggers me. People start and stop businesses so quickly I can barely keep up with the change in commerce going on in my neighbourhood. But what of it? The only audience they can reach is local.

This I think is where things can go genuinely ugly. Abraham Maslow famously came up with his Pyramid of Needs and I think that anybody who where to criticize the materialism of anybody unfortunate enough to be at the bottom of the pyramid deserves all the social castigation they get. But what about those of us lucky enough to be at, or near, the top of pyramid?

It does happen that people, when making a choice between personal happiness and being able to "show-off" to their peers, often choose the latter. Why is this? For some I suppose that their self-image dictates that they must not only be better, but be seen to be better than others, and in every way.

My own philosophy is more complex and more ambiguous. I already know I'm quite good at some things and pretty bad at others. In those things I think I may be better than average at I want to improve still further. In others I'm happy to think "OK, you beat me". In all I don't expect to be the winner. I'm happy enough to go through life doing as well as I can (and I'll try jolly hard to do that), but at the same I'm not going to worry too much about every time I get beaten (especially if I can learn from it)
Answered by Anonymous
Globalization is a process of worldwide spread of science, technologies, businesses, etc through the means of transportation, communication, and trade. Globalization has affected almost all the countries worldwide in various ways such as socially, economically, politically, and psychologically too. Globalization is a term indicating fast and continues integration and interdependence of countries in the field of business and technologies. The effects of globalization have been seen on the tradition, environment, culture, security, lifestyle, and ideas. There are many factors affecting and accelerating globalization trends worldwide.

The reason of acceleration in the globalization is because of the people demands, free-trade activities, worldwide acceptance of markets, emerging new technologies, new researches in the science, etc. Globalization has huge negative impacts on the environment and given rise to various environmental issues like water pollution, deforestation, air pollution, soil pollution, contamination of water resources, climate change, biodiversity loss, etc. All the ever growing environmental issues need to be solved on urgent basis by international efforts otherwise they may finish the existence of life on the earth a day in future.

In order to prevent the loss of environment, there is need of globalization of eco-friendly technologies and huge level environmental awareness among people. In order to deal with the negative effects of globalization, companies need to develop greener technologies which may replace the current status of the environment. However, globalization has helped a lot positively to save the environment by improving various resources (reducing adverse effects on the environment like hybrid cars using less fuel) and promoting education.

Apple brand has also aimed to manufacture Eco-friendly products to reduce negative impacts of globalization and exceed positive effects. Increasing demands of the ever increasing population lead towards extensive deforestation causing great level environmental issue. Till now, almost half of the useful forests have been cut in the past years. So, there is a need to make globalization under control to reduce its negative effects.

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