English, asked by harshini6198, 9 months ago

300 word essay on ban of plastics


Answered by mariyamhaidry82



The degree of pollution in our environment is rising by the day. It has increased rapidly with the advent of industrial revolution. The growing number of factories and vehicles on our planet has increased the pollution level many folds in the last few decades. While the smoke from the vehicles and factories has polluted the air adversely making it difficult to breathe, the industrial and residential waste has contributed majorly to the water and land pollution giving way to several serious illnesses.

Plastic: Major Cause of Environmental Pollution

Among other things, plastic plays a major role in pollution in today’s time. Plastic which is derived from fossil fuels such as oil and petroleum is being widely used for manufacturing numerous things including plastic bags, kitchenware, furniture, doors, sheeting, packing material, counter tops and what not. People prefer items made of plastic as these are light weight compared to wood or metal items and are also quite economical.


The increasing use of plastic is increasing the amount of plastic waste which is hard to dispose of. Plastic is a non-biodegradable substance. It breaks into pieces, deteriorates over the time but does not become one with the soil. It remains in the environment for hundreds of years and adds to environmental pollution. It goes into the landfills and leaks pollutants that damage soil and water. Plastic cannot even be disposed of by burning as on burning it produces poisonous gases that can cause serious diseases. Disposing plastic has thus become a big challenge today.

Plastic bags that form a major part of the plastic pollution are thus being banned in many countries. However, merely banning plastic bags shall not help. Ban must be imposed on other plastic items as well to bring down the environmental pollution.


It is high time we must understand the intensity at which plastic is destroying our environment and making life difficult for plants, animals, marine creatures as well as human beings. The use of plastic products must be lowered to ensure a cleaner environment.

Hope it helps u

Answered by vpratibha159

StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes


Why plastic bags should be banned

Topics: Environment, Middle East, Environmentalism Pages: 1 (300 words) Published: December 17, 2013

Para 1

They use up natural resources--"Every time we use a new plastic bag they go and get more petroleum from the Middle East and bring it over in tankers,". "We are extracting and destroying the Earth to use a plastic bag for 10 minutes.". They harm wildlife and marine life-plastic bags are now in all places in our environment, and animals, on land and water, are getting choked, strangled and killed by them. They create litter-Aside from polluting beaches and waterways, plastic bags for example in China plastic bags are blowing around streets of China, they are so common they've earned the name “white pollution." It is not environmentally friendly and may cause harm to children and water life all around the world.

Para 2

It should also be banned for a list of reasons such as it is unfriendly to the environment and may be harmful to children and water life all around the world and also it takes years for plastic bags to break down and we're not even able to recycle them. No, because plastic doesn't break as easily as glass and is water-proof. They take a long time to biodegrade-Most plastic bags used either end up as litter or in landfills. Plastic bags pose a suffocation hazard to people, particularly children, and pets. Plastic bags are made out of non-biodegradable substances. They are durable they do not rot.

Para 3

Making plastic bags can lead to exhaustion of oil, because to make a lot of plastic bags, we need a lot of oil. If we reduce oil we could save much more oil. Plastic bags even kill a lot of marine animals. Plastic bags gets blown into the ocean and floats around like a jelly-fish. A lot of sea-creatures choke and die for mistaking them as their food.Continue Reading

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323 Words 1 Pages

bring their own reusable bags to supermarkets and subsequently cutting down on the number of plastic bags discarded. An environmental group, Greeners Action, has observed 56 percent more Hong Kong consumers bringing their own bags for shopping than that before the levy is imposed (Ians 2009). Government could eventually use the environmental levy collected for good environmental causes such as clearing landfills. However, Singapore government adopts the...

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