English, asked by Vrindabansal, 9 months ago

300 words essay on the place of women in Indian society


Answered by johnnicholas22


Now Indian women are conscious of their rights. Their voice can no longer be suppressed. They raise their voice in choos­ing their life partners and in the choice of profession of their liking. They mix up with men freely and participate in poetical com­petitions, musical concerts and even ex­press abundantly their debating skills. They no longer believe in pariah or seclusion. They even learn judo and karate to nervure security.

It must, however, be admitted that some women cross the limits of decency. They wear gaudy and scanty dresses and expose their limbs. They read morbid literature and are fond of erotic songs and films. They thus misuse their liberty. At the same time, all is not rosy for all women. Most of the women in rural areas, particularly those belonging to lower castes, are illiterate, ignorant and superstitious. They have no awakening and they cannot rear up their children well. They know nothing about family planning or dangers of population explosion. Crimes against women are also increasing, thanks to the overall rise in gonads.

Although something has been done for women, much remains to be done. Let us not forget 1991 – The Year of the Girl Child

Answered by yuvrajsingh66572

the past few millennium, various great changes has occur in the status of women in India. There has been promotion of equal sex rights to a great extent in the recent decades. Earlier the women were responsible to the household activities and strictly restricted to the outside activities. Women in ancient India were responsible to care their husbands and kids as their primary duty. Women were not allowed to enjoy equally as men. In the early Vedic period, it is noted that women were well educated (in the work of ancient Indian grammarians like Patanjali, Katyayana etc).

According to the Rigvedic verses, women were getting married at their mature age and free to select their own life partner at that time. Gargi and Maitreyi are two great and notable women sages who have been mentioned in the Rig Veda and Upanishads scriptures. According to the history, women status was started declining with the Smritis (Manusmriti). Gradually the freedom and rights of women was curtailed due to the Islamic invasion and Christianity. Then women in India started facing confinement and restrictions due to the bad practices in the society like Sati pratha, child marriages, child labor, parda pratha, ban on widow remarriages, etc.

Purdah practice was brought in the Indian society by the Muslim conquest in Indian subcontinent. Jauhar was practiced by the Rajputs of Rajasthan whereas Devadasis in temples were sexually exploited by the rich people. However, now-a-days, women are participating in every areas of work (like politics, social work, IT field, driving, etc) without getting fear. Women are leading in many areas of work even they are showing much interest and performing better than men. We cannot say that status of women in the Indian society has been fully developed but it is continuously going up as women are being more conscious about their rights.

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