31 ,32,33 answer pls guys

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33. this is because when sun is below the horizon its rays get refracted (atmospheric refraction) from rarer to denser medium and reached towards us before actual sunrise

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32.The student is suffering from myopia ( short sightedness ) .Thus the corrective lens for myopia is concave lens ( diverging lens ).
Sunrise :
The actual sunrise takes place when the sun is just above the horizon.But,when the sun is just below the horizon,the sun's light coming from less dense air to more dense air is refracted downwards as it passes through the atmosphere.Because of this atmospheric refraction,the sun appears to be raised above the horizon when actually it is slightly below the horizon.
It is also due to atmospheric refraction that we can still see the sun for about 2 minutes even after the sun has set below the horizon .
32.The student is suffering from myopia ( short sightedness ) .Thus the corrective lens for myopia is concave lens ( diverging lens ).
Sunrise :
The actual sunrise takes place when the sun is just above the horizon.But,when the sun is just below the horizon,the sun's light coming from less dense air to more dense air is refracted downwards as it passes through the atmosphere.Because of this atmospheric refraction,the sun appears to be raised above the horizon when actually it is slightly below the horizon.
It is also due to atmospheric refraction that we can still see the sun for about 2 minutes even after the sun has set below the horizon .

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