Math, asked by rasel29151, 7 months ago

350678 to the nearest hundred


Answered by ArnoAhmed



Step-by-step explanation: This is because in 350678 - 6 comes in the hundread place. When we are asked to round to the nearest hundread, we have to look at the tens value to see that does the tens value has 5 or numbers greater than or smaller than 5. If numbers are greater than 5 or equal to 5, we round up and convert 6 into 7 and 0's in the end. If the numbers are less than 5, we keep the 6 same and convert the numbers behind 6 into 0. So the answer is 350700 because here after 6 there is 7 which is greater than 5.

This logically makes sense. What is the closest hundread near 678 - well, its 700, right? So we round up to 700. Just as a bonus, if we had 640. Then what is the closest hundread near 640 - well, its 600. So then we will round down.

Hopefully you found it helpful.

Take care, Ba bye!

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