Biology, asked by nacarclr, 2 months ago

37. Circular and longitudinal muscles in body wall, schizocoelom, double ventral nerve cord, monoe- cious and absence of asexual reproduction are the characters of; 1) Pheretima and Hook worm 2) Pheretima and Neries X 3) Hirudinaria and Seat worm 4) Leech and Filarial worm X Seatworm -Pinworx​


Answered by JAIBGMI


2) is the answer mark me as brainlest

Answered by letmeanswer12

Circular and longitudinal muscles in body wall, schizocoelom, double ventral nerve cord, monoe- cious and absence of asexual reproduction are the characters of Pheretima and Neries


Pheretima and Hook worm:

  • The development of the young, as with all earthworms, takes place in cocoons and does not include a larval stage. Pheretima, like most earthworms, are nocturnal and have a strong intolerance to light.

Pheretima and Neries :

  • Nereis is a polychaete worm genus in the Nereididae family. It contains a large number of species, the most of which are marine. For locomotion, Nereis have setae and parapodia.
  • They may have two different forms of setae on their parapodia. Support is provided by acicular setae.

Hirudinaria and Seat worm:

  • Earthworms and leeches are segmented worms that live in damp environments. The body is made up of short parts that are connected by rings.

Leech and Filarial worm X Seatworm -Pinworx:

  • Filariasis is an infectious tropical disease caused by one of numerous parasitic round worms that look like threads. Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi are the two worm species most commonly associated with this condition.
  • The disease is transmitted to people via the parasite's larval form, which is transmitted through a mosquito bite.
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