Science, asked by rs9441537, 2 months ago

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Answered by ajaydhayal


Define ‘Health’.

It is a state of being well enough to function physically, mentally and socially.

Q.2 State three conditions essential for being free of diseases.

Conditions essential for being free of diseases-

(i) Personal hygiene

(ii) Community hygiene

(iii) Balanced diet

Q.3 What do you interpret when you say a person is in good health?

When we say a person is in good health, it implies that the different body systems and organs of that person functions well and as a whole, the body is able to strike a balance with the physical, mental and social environment.

Q.4 List any two practices you would like to follow in order to maintain good health


List any four essential factors that must be taken care of by an individual for keeping good health.

(i) Balance diet.

(ii) Disease free environment.

(iii) Proper sanitation.

(iv) Mental and social stability.

Q.5 What are the various factors that affect health?

The health of all organisms depends on their surroundings or their environment. The environment includes the physical environment and social environment.

(a) Personal- Which we can do as an individual.

(b) Community- which we can do as a society.

Q.6 Explain how individual health depends on social and mental well-being.

Social well-being: Cleanliness around the place where we live. No throwing of garbages on roads, not leaving open drain- water lying stagnant etc.

Mental well-being: For good health we have to be happy, social equality and harmony are essential.

Q.7 Define diseases and state the major factors which are the causes of disease.

The condition of malfunctioning of organ system or systems is called disease. In layman’s language, disease means ‘without ease’. Disease leads to an abnormal condition in which our body or body organs does not work properly.

The major factors for the cause of disease are-

(i) Pathogens(e.g., Virus, bacteria, worms etc)

(ii) Environmental factors (e.g., Pollutants)

(iii) Nutritional factors(e.g., malnutrition)

(iv) Genetic factors (e.g., gene defects)

(v) Hormonal imbalances(e.g., thyroid associated problems, diabetes)

(vi) Metabolic factors(organ failure)

Q.8 Is there any difference between ‘being healthy’ and ‘disease-free’

Q.9 (i) What is balanced diet?

(ii) What problems will you face if you do not eat a balanced diet?

(i) A diet that contains adequate amounts of fibre (roughage), water and all other necessary nutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals) required for healthy growth and activity is called balanced diet.

(ii) Lack of balanced diet will lead to the following problems:

(a) Poor maintenance of body tissues and organs.

(b) Lack of proper growth and development of the body.

(c) Lack of energy.

(d) Improper functioning of the various systems of the body.

All this will ultimately lead to some illness.

Disease and its causes

Q.10 What are first-level causes of the disease?

Causes of diseases may be immediate (first level cause) or contributory. The first level cause of a disease is the primary reason behind the development of a symptom for a disease. For e.g. – The immediate cause of a person suffering from diarrhoea is the causative agent.

Q.11 What are the body’s defenses against diseases?

The body has three lines of defence namely-

(i) Skin,

(ii) White blood cells,

(iii) Antibodies (antigens and lymphocytes)

Q.12 Name the disease that can be caused by certain types of bacteria, protozoa and viruses.

Diarrhoea is the disease that can be caused by certain types of bacteria, protozoa and viruses.

Q.13 What are congenital diseases? Give two examples.

Congenital diseases refer to diseases or abnormalities present since birth. It may be due to gene mutations or environmental factors. Ex. Colour blindness, Down’s syndrome, cleft lip etc

Q.14 Why are signs of a disease more important than its symptoms?

Signs of a disease are more important than symptoms because signs provide information’s about the possibility of the disease while symptoms are just indicators that there is some abnormality in the body.

Q.15 What were considered to be the primary cause of peptic ulcer initially? Who were awarded Nobel Prize for the discovery of treatment of peptic ulcer?

The lifestyle of a person was primarily considered to be the causative agent or reason behind this disease. Barry Marshall and Robin Warren discovered that the area of peptic ulcer contained many small curved Bacteria called Helicobacter pylori

Q.16 How can we prevent diseases?

There are two ways, one general and one specific to each disease.The general ways of preventing infections mostly relate to preventing exposure to microbes. Specific ways of prevention deals specifically with each type of diseases. Vaccination is the most common element these types of preventive measures.

Answered by ms3836742

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