39. Weekly wages of workers in a factory are as follows:
Weekly wages in ) 325-350 350-375 375 -400 400 -425 425- 450
No. of workers
5 I 15 I 10 I 20 I 15
Find the probability that a worker selected at random earns:
a) 400 or more
b) 375 or more but less than 425.
b) At least 375.
d) up to 400
Answered by
The probabilities are 0.538,0.462,0.692,0.462 respectively.
- The total no of workers are 5+15+10+20+15=65
- The no of workers with weekly wages 400 or more = 35(20+15)
- The no of workers with weekly wages 375 or more but less than 425 = 30(10+20)
- The no of workers with weekly wages at least 375 = 45 (10+20+15)
- The no of workers with weekly wages up to 400 = 30(5+15+10)
The probability that worker earns :
- 400 or more = 35/65 = 0.538
- 375 or more but less than 425 = 30/65 = 0.462
- at least 375 = 45/65 = 0.692
- up to 400 = 30/65 = 30/65
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