12. Translate the following into English.
आजकल के बच्चे किताबों से पढना पसन्द नहीं करते। उन्हे संगणक
पर पढना अधिक पसन्द है। परन्तु किताबें हमारा अमूल्य खजाना है।
किताबों से हम अच्छे लेखकों की अच्छी भाषा एवं विचार सीखते है। ये
विचार हमारे जीवन में भी मद्दगार होते हैं।
Answered by
Today's children do not like to read books. They like to computer
But reading is more like But books are our priceless treasure.
From books, we learn good language and ideas of good writers. these
Thoughts are also considered in our life.
Answered by
Today's children do not like to read books. They like to learn on computer. But books are our priceless treasure.From books, we learn good language and ideas of good writers. Thoughts will help us in our life also.
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