4.13E7 How can this number be expressed in standard notation?
Given : 4.13E7
To Find : How can this number be expressed in standard notation
4.13E7 is used in calculator and some other devices
this format to represent large numbers
E7 basically represent here 10⁷
4.13E7 = 4.13 x 10⁷
4.13 x 10⁷ = 41300000
4.13E7 = 41300000
Very large and very small numbers can be expressed in standard form.•
Standard form is also called scientific notation form
A number is written in scientific notation if it has the form c × 10ⁿ where
c > 1, c < 10, and n is an integer.
4.13E7 = 4.13 x 10⁷
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