Political Science, asked by rajivsingla8, 5 months ago

Do you remember the story of the executive in the case of the Office
omce Memorandum with which we Memorandum?
started this chapter? We found out You might ask: Why does the
that the person who signed the political executive have more power
document did not take this than the non-poliucal executive?
decision. He was only executing the Why is the minister more powerful
policy decision taken by someone than the civil servant? The civil
else. We noted the role of the Prime servant is usually more educated
Minister in taking that decision. But and has more expert knowledge of
we also know that he could not the subject. The advisors workdng in
have taken that decision tf he did the Finance Ministry know more
not have support from the Lok Sabha about economics than the Finance
In that sense he was only executing Minister. Sometimes the ministers
the wishes of the Parliament, may know very little about the
Thus, at different levels of any technical matters that come under
government we find functionaries their ministry. This could easily
who take day-to-day decisions but happen in ministres like Defence,
do not exercise supreme power on Industry. Health, Science and
behalf of the people. All those Technology. Mines, etc. Why should
functionaries are collectively known the minister have the final say on
as the executive. They are called these matters?
executive because they are in charge The reason is very simple. In a
of the execution of the policies of democracy the will of the people is
the government. Thus, when we talk supreme The minister
about the aren
. is an​


Answered by arpitkumar8a123


don't know do it by your own self okkkkkkk

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