Science, asked by abhimanyusingh23, 10 months ago

4. 51 से 100 तक सख्यावाचकाः भाब्दा : याद करो और लिखो। (फेयर)
Science :
1. Project work - Prepare Agriculture practices for wheat plant in detail
2 Write about five scientist (Anu!


Answered by roshankumar9937


Wheat is grown in all types of climatic conditions i.e. tropical, sub-tropical and temperate. In

India, major wheat is under cultivation in areas in the sub-tropical region. The cool and sunny

winter is very conducive for growth of wheat crop. The range of temperature required for

optimum growth and development of wheat is as under:

Growth stages Temperature requirements

Germination 20 to 25°C mean daily

Vegetative growth 20 to 23°C mean daily

Grain filling 23 to 25°C mean daily

2: Soil requirement

Wheat can be grown on all kinds of soils, except the highly alkaline soils and water logged

conditions. Soils with clay loam or loam texture, good structure and moderate water holding capacity

are ideal for wheat cultivation. Durum wheat is preferably sown on medium to fine textured soils.

3: Agronomic Practices

• Land Preparation

The Wheat crop requires a well pulverized but compact seed bed for good uniform

germination. One deep ploughing with soil turning plough followed by two harrowing and

planking is desirable .

• Seed and Sowing

The optimum time of Sowing, Spacing & Seed Rate normally under specific production

conditions are as follows

Seed rate

(kg/ha) Time of sowing Spacing


Irrigated Timely sown 100 10-25 November 20-23

Irrigated Late sown 125 25 Nov.-25 Dec. 15-18

Rainfed timely sown 100 25 Oct.-10 Nov. 20-25

The zone-wise broad optimum sowing time recommended are as follows:

Wheat Zones Optimum sowing time

Northern Hills Zone (NHZ) First Fortnight of November

Nort Western Plains Zone (NWPZ) -do-

Nort Eastern Plains Zone (NEPZ) Mid November

Central Zone (CZ) -do-

Peninsular Zone (PZ) First Fortnight of November

Southern Hills Zone (SHZ) Last Week of November

• Seed treatment & sowing

To ensure good germination and establishment of diseased free crop stand seeds must be

treated with fungicide like Thirum or Bavistin 50WP @ 2.5 g/kg seed. Where there is problem of

loose smut treat the seeds with Carbendazim (Bavistin 50WP) @ 2.5 g/kg seed or Carboxin

(Vitavax 75 WP) @ 1.5g/kg seed to facilitate speedy germination in case of late sowings. Seeds

may be soaked overnight followed by drying in shed before sowing. The seeds should be placed

5-6 cm deep below the soil where sufficient soil moisture is available to enable germination. Use

of biofertilisers like Trichderma viridi ( @ 80 gms for every 10 gms of seeds) and Azotobacter & PSB

(@ 200 gms per 10 gms of seeds) help for better plant stand at intial stage of the crop.

4: Wheat Varieties

ICAR and State Agriculture Universities has developed many varieties of Wheat suitable

for different zones, regions, states and production conditions. The significant recent varieties that

were released during the last 10 years include HD3043(2012), HD2967(2010),

DBW71(2013),HD2987(2011) and DPW621-50(2011) recommended for the NWPZ. For the

NEPZ, the recent varieties include Raj 4120(2008), K0307(2006), HD2985(2009), HPW349(2013)

etc. The varieties viz., MP1202(2010), MP3336(2013), MP3288(2011) were among the recent ones in

the central zone. UAS428 (2012) and NIAW1415(2011) were among the recently released varieties

for the Peninsular Zone. For the Northern Hills Zone, HPW249(2010), HPW(349) were the

prominent ones.

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