4. A collection of values from each column of a table
In a relational database, a column is a set of data values of a particular simple type, one value for each row of the database.[1] A column may contain text values, numbers, or even pointers to files in the operating system.[2] Some relational database systems allow columns to contain more complex data types; whole documents, images or even video clips are examples.[3] A column can also be called an attribute.
Each row would provide a data value for each column and would then be understood as a single structured data value. For example, a database that represents company contact information might have the following columns: ID, Company Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, and Postal Code. More formally, each row can be interpreted as a relvar, composed of a set of tuples, with each tuple consisting of the relevant column and its value, for example, the tuple ('Address 1', '12345 West Example Street').