*4. A state of balance thought to exist within the Earth's crust * 6. A line of equal or constant temperature on a graph or chart *
plz thank to my ans ❤❤❤
As far as we know, Earth is the only planet in our solar system to harbor life. Scientists are still trying to figure out exactly why that is, but one reason might be that we have plenty of liquid water. The outer planets are very cold, so any water there would be locked up in ice. The inner planets are piping hot, so scientists think most water there would boil away.
Earth, however, falls right in the middle. It sits in a narrow band, known to astronomers as the Goldilocks zone, where scientists think liquid water can survive and life might be able to flourish. Like the bowl of porridge in the children’s story, Earth is not too hot and not too cold. It’s just right.
The distance between Earth and the Sun is also a good place to start when it comes to understanding Earth’s climate. It is the main factor affecting the planet’s average temperature, but it is not the only one. The temperature of the Earth is also influenced by the composition of the atmosphere, which contains heat-trapping greenhouse gases and other chemicals injected by volcanic eruptions and human activities.