4. Answer the following questions: [Each 4marks]
1. What is the speciality of teenage?
2. Mention any four ways through which God comes to us?
3. Mention any four features of the people who have trust in themselves?
4. What was Thuhi's problem?
5. Write the moral of the story "Hidden treasure" in your own words?
6. Quote what Gandhiji said about sanitation?
7. How did the world celebrate the 150h birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi?
8. Write the moral of the story "Reason Versus Emotions" in your own words?
9. How should we keep ourselves clean. Explain?
1. Authority, rules and limits are all important in a teenager's life. ... It's critical for teens to know that they have their parents' unconditional love -- that no matter what mistakes they make, their parents will still be there for them. Teens want the adults in their lives to understand them.
2 One (unified as one through the church), holy (sanctified, shares in Jesus divinity), catholic (universal, stretches across the world), apostolic (founded by apostles, passed down through apostolic succession).
6 .Mahatma Gandhi said "Sanitation is more important than independence". ... Mahatma Gandhi said, “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” Gandhiji dwelt on cleanliness and good habits and pointed out its close relationship to good health. No one should spit or clean his nose on the streets.