English, asked by shardakodli, 9 hours ago

(b) met
(c) meets (d) do meet
Fill in the blanks with the correct modal
(can shall could, may, might, must)
1. She
speal English (ability)
2. Sita
leave the school at 4 O'Clock. (Permission)
3. She
swim in the river (Past ability)
4 You
help your brother (moral duty)​


Answered by sdv088


1. She can speak English.

2. Sita may/shall leave the school at 4 O'Clock.

3. She could swim in the river.

4 You must help your brother.

Answered by gargromika81


1. She could speak English.

2. Sita can leave the school at 4 o'clock.

3. She might swim in the river.

4. You must help your brother.

Hope this will help you

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