Computer Science, asked by Oniviah2020gmailcom, 9 months ago

B. Tick) the correct statements and cross (W) the others :
1. HTML was developed by Tim Berner Lee.
2. H4 is the smallest heading tag.
3. A web browser is used to view a HTML document.
4. Tags, elements, and attributes are the components that make up the HTML code
5. A HTML document consists of two distinct parts: head and body.
6. <TITLE> tag specifies the title of the document.
7. The first thing you notice about the HTML code is the angle bracket.
n the previous chapt
ised various text for
8. HTML requires only a text editor and web browser.
e are other tags tha
C. Answer the following questions:
1. Define HTML.
2. Explain the basic structure of a HTML document.
Comments are ver
3. What is the difference between container and empty tag?
I when multiple
4. What are the elements used in a HTML document? Define them.
user does not see
Define tags Why do we use tags?
ing the following​


Answered by prekshasingh16


B1. HTML was developed by Tim berners Lee is correct.

2 is also correct.

3 is also correct

4 is also correct

5 is also correct

6 is also correct

7 is also correct

8 is also correct


I think you understand this .

C1.Hyper Text Mark language html document has two main parts the head and the body . But firstly every HTML document should started by declaring that it is an html document these tags are of the form bracket html bracket close.

Answered by rrobindronaorem


plse correct ans first q ka

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